Mid-January E-Fishwrapper

Dear SPLAB-Fan,

We’re gearing up for the resumption of Living Room at the Columbia City Cinema on Tuesday, Feb 2 at 7PM. We meet upstairs in the 2nd floor lounge. The address is 4816 Rainier AV S and the suggested donation is $3-$10. Please come to read new work, the work of someone else, or come just to be in the engaging company of other writers.

Here are some local events which may interest you:

Your Humble Splabman reads from his new book A Time Before Slaughter this Sunday, January 24 at 3P at Open Books: A Poem Emporium.

One of only two All Poetry bookstores in the U.S., please consider attending this reading and helping the cause of John Marshall and Christine Deavel. What they do is a tremendous service to the local poetry community and deserve our support.

New Anthology: The Whole Island: Six Decades of Cuban Poetry
I just got my copy this week and it is a remarkable achievement by Mark Weiss. I’ve only thumbed through it, but what a necessary volume! Read the intro here. We’ll certainly be reading work from this in the Living Room.
Artspace is officially entering into the pre-leasing phase of the application process for the new Artspace Evererett Lofts located at 2917 Hoyt Avenue, Everett, WA. Applications are available at: http://www.artspace.org/properties/everettwa/

Red Sky Reunions continue at Hugo House.

The 2010 Red Sky Reunion has been named Stormy Mondays since only Mondays were available at Hugo House. The first one, Jan 25th, will feature JT Stewart and Deborah Woodard. Showtime 7P. Signup 6:30.

Here’s some exciting news about an upcoming TV special all about the North Cascades, including a story on their Mountain School program that was filmed at the Learning Center last fall!

“KCTS 9 is proud to present the premiere of ‘North Cascades: People, Places and Stories’, a TV special showcasing the breathtaking park through the words and actions of Washingtonians of all ages. Airdates are Wednesday, January 20, at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, January 31, at 4:30 p.m.

From Amanda Earl:
i invite you to send poems once again this year for the AngelHousePress site nationalpoetrymonth.ca plus and updated bio and photo if we don’t already have one from last year.
the deadline for submission is February 28, 2010.


Thanks for reading this far down the post, or email. We hope you’ll browse the splab site, and attend one (or more) of the Michael McClure events.


Your Wily Splabman

About Splabman

Poet & interviewer Paul E Nelson founded SPLAB (Seattle Poetics LAB) & the Cascadia Poetry Festival. Since 1993, SPLAB has produced hundreds of poetry events & 600 hours of interview programming with legendary poets & whole systems activists including Allen Ginsberg, Michael McClure, Joanne Kyger, Robin Blaser, Diane di Prima, Daphne Marlatt, Nate Mackey, George Bowering, Barry McKinnon, José Kozer, Brenda Hillman & many others. Paul’s books include American Prophets (interviews 1994-2012) (2018) American Sentences (2015) A Time Before Slaughter (2009) and Organic in Cascadia: A Sequence of Energies (2013). Co-Editor of Make It True: Poetry From Cascadia (2015), 56 Days of August: Poetry Postcards (2017) and Samthology: A Tribute to Sam Hamill (2019) Make it True meets Medusario (2019), he’s presented poetry/poetics in London, Brussels, Nanaimo, Qinghai & Beijing, China, has had work translated into Spanish, Chinese & Portuguese & writes an American Sentence every day. Awarded a residency at The Lake, from the Morris Graves Foundation in Loleta, CA, he’s published work in Golden Handcuffs Review, Zen Monster, Hambone, and elsewhere. Winner of the 2014 Robin Blaser Award from The Capilano Review, he is engaged in a 20 year bioregional cultural investigation of Cascadia and lives in Rainier Beach, in the Cascadia bioregion’s Cedar River watershed.
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