On Tuesday, January 31, 2012, at 7PM SPLAB invites all poets, writers and fans of writing to attend an Open Board Meeting to discuss the future of SPLAB as a collective. Our lease at the Columbia School is set to expire at the end of August 2013, but could end sooner and could be extended. I’m committed to the current season (ending in June 2012) and two tentative events for the 2012/2013 season, that could or could not happen based on the decisions made by the collective that I and the current SPLAB Board envision. (This is based on the decision after the December 15, 2011 SPLAB Board Meeting.)
So if you have an interest in helping SPLAB evolve to the next level of existence in its 18 year history, please plan on attending and feel free to invite friends and associates. Please also bring a short poem or prose piece to read. Help is especially needed right now with bookkeeping, planning for the Cascadia Poetry Festival and marketing. With a child on the way in March and my own writing life consuming more of my time and interest, the time is right for me to open things up as never before if SPLAB is to continue and evolve. Thank you for your past support and consideration for the future.
Paul E Nelson

About Splabman
Poet & interviewer Paul E Nelson founded SPLAB (Seattle Poetics LAB) & the Cascadia Poetry Festival. Since 1993, SPLAB has produced hundreds of poetry events & 600 hours of interview programming with legendary poets & whole systems activists including Allen Ginsberg, Michael McClure, Joanne Kyger, Robin Blaser, Diane di Prima, Daphne Marlatt, Nate Mackey, George Bowering, Barry McKinnon, José Kozer, Brenda Hillman & many others. Paul’s books include American Prophets (interviews 1994-2012) (2018) American Sentences (2015) A Time Before Slaughter (2009) and Organic in Cascadia: A Sequence of Energies (2013). Co-Editor of Make It True: Poetry From Cascadia (2015), 56 Days of August: Poetry Postcards (2017) and Samthology: A Tribute to Sam Hamill (2019) Make it True meets Medusario (2019), he’s presented poetry/poetics in London, Brussels, Nanaimo, Qinghai & Beijing, China, has had work translated into Spanish, Chinese & Portuguese & writes an American Sentence every day. Awarded a residency at The Lake, from the Morris Graves Foundation in Loleta, CA, he’s published work in Golden Handcuffs Review, Zen Monster, Hambone, and elsewhere. Winner of the 2014 Robin Blaser Award from The Capilano Review, he is engaged in a 20 year bioregional cultural investigation of Cascadia and lives in Rainier Beach, in the Cascadia bioregion’s Cedar River watershed.