Aleister Crowley
Since the first scriptures were penned, poetry and spirituality have intersected in ways both complimentary and antagonistic. At this edition of the living room, we’ll look at ways that poetry has attempted to make sense of, and transcend our physical reality. From Czeslaw Milosz’s skepticism and embrace of Catholic Tradition to Aleister Crowley’s occultist mysticism, all is up for discussion and dissection as we discuss how poetry has influenced our perception of the world and vice versa. Graham Isaac is your host.
Writers of all ages, backgrounds and skill levels gather Tuesdays at 7P to read new work, the work of someone else or to just be in the engaging company of other writers. Your donation of $5 helps SPLAB continue our programming. Please bring 8 copies of the work you plan to read. Copies are no longer provided by SPLAB.
Living Room happens @ SPLAB in the Cultural Corner at 3651 S. Edmunds. (Look for the SPLAB sign on the wall and come inside.) We’re 2 blocks from the Columbia City Link Light Rail Station. (Parking is available on the school grounds.)
If, by “scripture” you mean the Judao-Christian early writings (Torah/Bible) poetry and spiritual writings pre-dated that by centuries, possibly more.