It was Ian Boyden’s idea. Ian named the book, provided a striking cover and with Cate Gable’s writing and photographs, and his feedback, and Lyn Coffin’s expert proof-reading skills, the Samthology: A Tribute to Sam Hamill is ready to be launched at the Cascadia Poetry Festival-Anacortes 2019, which is also a tribute to Sam Hamill. You can purchase a copy by clicking on the image below:
Table of Contents
Introduction by Cate Gable………………………………………………….vii
Drinking at Sundown by Alexis Bernaut…………………………………3
Buvant Au Couchant by Alexis Bernaut…………………………………..4
學柯 Study The Axe Handle by Ian Boyden……………………………..5
samimmemorial by Lyn Coffin……………………………………………….7
Getting to Know Sam (and two other poems)
by Leszek Chudziński……………………………………………………………8
Letter from Boston by Michael Daley…………………………………….10
Blasphemy by Martín Espada………………………………………………..13
Milosz and Hamill by Cate Gable…………………………………………..14
Coast Chronicles: Loose in Paris with a Fugitive Poet
by Cate Gable………………………………………………………………………15
Paris, July 1, 2016: Letter to Sam by Cate Gable……………………..19
The Next Garden by Kim Goldberg………………………………………..21
Temple of the Word: What Sam Hamill Asked of Poetry
by Shaun T. Griffin………………………………………………………………22
From Paragraphs from a Day-Book by Marilyn Hacker…………..27
Homenaje A Sam Hamill by José Kozer…………………………………30
Tribute to Sam Hamill Translated from the Spanish
by Raúl Sánchez………………………………………………………………….32
A Devotional for Sam Hamill: Habitude by Stephen Kuusisto….33
Interview with Sam Hamill by Paul E Nelson…………………………40
Old Friend by Paul E Nelson…………………………………………………62
Letter to Sam Hamill by Paul E Nelson………………………………….63
A Simple Gift by William O’Daly……………………………………………66
Habitation by Thomas H. Pruiksma……………………………………….68
The Calling by Heidi Seaborn…………………………………………………70
A Pair of Hanging Scrolls: Landscape and Couplet of Chinese Verse (late 18th century) by Ike Taiga by Rebecca Seiferle…………………………………………………72
Nine Bows for a Brother Monk by Karma Tenzing Wangchuk…..74
Consider purchasing a copy to help us recoup the costs of honoring Sam in this way. This book is a small gesture to recognize our love for and debt to Sam. We hope to see you in Anacortes next week.