Tag Archives: Open Books

Reviews of Becoming Cascadian

To redefine our lives and the places we live by Bioregion, rather than by political boundaries, is not the work of a single morning. It will require small cadres of committed people who become nature literate, write instructive poems and essays, and gradually make sense to their neighbors. This program, Becoming Cascadia, was one node in a larger effort that has been developing. This particular workshop, however, drew not only on Cascadian writers, but drew a handful of people who have been at work a long time on the job! Touring Kubota Gardens provided a direct view deep into the bioregion for many reasons. Eating meals as a group solidified our sense of community. Concluding with poetry gave ceremonial fragrance. The sharing of ideas, books, and other resources, will remain central. Thanks to Mark Gonnerman for a list of resources. Thanks to all for straight talk and careful listening. – Andrew Schelling Continue reading

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Becoming Cascadian Poster

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Open Books Open House

It is a rather remarkable thing to have in a city: an all-poetry bookstore. Cambridge, MA and Boulder, CO, are the only two USAmerican cities (besides Seattle) I believe with such a cultural nexus. And for many years the people … Continue reading

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From Melanie Noel

Hello, hear ye hear ye,  Dear you,   This is a little embarrassing, but I’m here to announce that my first book clomid tablets of poems is something one can hold in one’s hands.  I wished to make that announcement, … Continue reading

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