Tag Archives: Heidi Greco

Cascadia Update

The schedule for the Cascadia Poetry Festival continues to come together. The kickoff reading is Thursday, May 1, 7:30p, the Force Field reading, featuring poets from the first all women anthology of British Columbia poets in 34 years. Judith Roche is … Continue reading

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Cascadia Poetry Festival Advisory Board

If you are wondering what SPLAB has been up to lately, we’re scaling back in preparation of something quite huge. In our last season, Sept 2011 to June 2012, we produced 51 events. With the arrival of Ella Roque Nelson, … Continue reading

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Goodbye Columbia City

As I prepare to make one last presentation at one last Living Room in Columbia City, I am taking a moment to look back and consider all the great things that happened in our three year run here. My wife … Continue reading

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Cascadia Poetry Fest Poster/Summaries

Here are links to some of the photographs and summaries of the 1st Cascadia Poetry Festival: Barbara Erwine photos: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=2a6e06a3285ad19c&Bsrc=SkyMail&Bpub=SDX.SkyDrive&sc=Photos&id=2A6E06A3285AD19C!200 Kim Goldberg’s blog post: http://pigsquash.wordpress.com/2012/03/31/cascadia-poetry-festival-photos/ Four Hoarse Men video: http://gregbem.com/wordpress/vid-4-hoarse-men-read-at-puget-sound-poetry/ Great Beer and Poetry photos: http://gregbem.com/wordpress/pics-3-24-12-great-beer-and-poetry-the-reading/ Keynote Reading: http://gregbem.com/wordpress/pics-3-25-12-cascadia-poetry-festival-day-2-pt-1-workshop/ Day … Continue reading

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